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Recover your domain

If someone’s taken your domain, we’ll help you to recover it.

Contact our online trademark description service.

  • Recover by purchase

  • Recover by legal means

  • Recover by administrative means

Find similar domains

Try with another extension or a variation on the domain name.

These are the additional services included with all registrations:

  • 3 email accounts, each 2GB

  • Web space with FTP account

  • Courtesy website

  • Unlimited subdomains / DNS management

  • Seven-day-a-week assistance

Is this your domain?
Create your website now

Associate your domain to a personalised website.
Learn how to do it with products.

You need help?
Chat, call, write.

  • Chat with us in real time
  • +31 040 8882900 Call us every day
    from 9 am to 6 pm
  • Request help from
    your Control Panel